Eu quero agradecer ao mundo por ter vindo espiar nosso blog. Eu sei que muitos vieram até aqui por caminhos desconhecidos mas aqui pararam e voltaram.
Desejo ao mundo, e em especial a vocês que estiveram conosco, um Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo.
Feliz Natal a todos os nossos alunos e seus familiares , aos países que nos visitaram ao longo desse ano ( EUA, Canadá, Índia, Portugal , Rússia, Holanda, Ucrânia, Croácia, Alemanhã, África....), à coordenação de Porto Alegre, à coordenação do Projovem Nacional, ao governo Lula que teve a iniciativa desse lindo projeto ( Embora todos nós saibamos da difícil tarefa de fazer com que tudo saia como planejado . E para tanto, é necessário honestidade e vontade de mudar, vontade de fazer de nosso país um país onde todos sejam iguais e tenham as mesmas oportunidades ).
Um projeto como esse precisa de pessoas que amem seu semelhante e queiram , realmente, ajudar. Eu fico bastante feliz quando vejo esse programa sendo desenvolvido de forma plena e satisfatória em determinada cidade . O projeto não apresenta falhas. As falhas estão nas mãos daqueles que o dirigem. Eu tenho certeza de que o Projovem Urbano seria um sucesso Nacional se houvesse uma consciência geral de que o Brasil precisa e merece crescer através de seus jovens.
Vamos colocar mais amor e solidariedade em nossos corações.
Vamos pensar em dar mais do que receber.
Vamos olhar para o lado e não apenas para nós mesmos.
Brancos, negros...
Ricos, pobres...
Somos todos seres humanos em busca de perfeição....
Nunca esqueçam que somos o que pensamos e o que fazemos.
Amar não dói.
Sejamos merecedores de nossas vidas.
Amor, Paz e saúde !!!
Professora Helena
I want to thank the world for coming to see our blog. I know that many have found our blog by accidentally but , anyway, returned
I wish to the world, and especially to you who have been with us in this year a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to all our students and their families, Merry Xmas to the countries that have visited us (U.S., Canada, India, Portugal, Russia, Holland, Ukraine, Croatia, Germany, Africa ....), Merry Xmas to the coordination of Porto Alegre, the coordination of the National Projovem, Merry Xmas to the Lula government, which took the initiative in this wonderful project (though we all know how difficult is this task of making sure everything goes as planned. And for this it is necessary honesty and wish to change, willingness to make our country a country where all are equal and have equal opportunities).
A project like this requires people who loves each other and want to help indeed. I get myself very happy when I see a program like this being developed in full. The project doesnt fail. The flaws are inthe hands of those who run it. I'm sure this program would be a success if there was a general awareness thatBrazil needs and deserves to grow through their young people.
Let's put more love and solidarity in our hearts.
Let's think about giving more than receiving.
Let's look to the side and not just for ourselves.
White, black ...
Rich, poor ...
We are all human beings in pursuit of perfection ....
Never forget that we are what we think and what we do.
Love doesnt makes us grow
Be worthy of our lives.
Love, Peace and health!
Merry Christmas to all our students and their families, Merry Xmas to the countries that have visited us (U.S., Canada, India, Portugal, Russia, Holland, Ukraine, Croatia, Germany, Africa ....), Merry Xmas to the coordination of Porto Alegre, the coordination of the National Projovem, Merry Xmas to the Lula government, which took the initiative in this wonderful project (though we all know how difficult is this task of making sure everything goes as planned. And for this it is necessary honesty and wish to change, willingness to make our country a country where all are equal and have equal opportunities).
A project like this requires people who loves each other and want to help indeed. I get myself very happy when I see a program like this being developed in full. The project doesnt fail. The flaws are inthe hands of those who run it. I'm sure this program would be a success if there was a general awareness that
Let's put more love and solidarity in our hearts.
Let's think about giving more than receiving.
Let's look to the side and not just for ourselves.
White, black ...
Rich, poor ...
We are all human beings in pursuit of perfection ....
Never forget that we are what we think and what we do.
Love doesnt makes us grow
Be worthy of our lives.
Love, Peace and health!
Professor Helena
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