Teoricamente um lindo projeto de inclusão mas na prática, muitas falhas que podem levá-lo às ruínas.
Há mais de 20 dias sem pagamento, professores do Projovem não tem mais como se deslocar de suas casas para as escolas.
Alguns educadores dependem desse salário para o sustento de toda a sua família. E cada um com seus problemas: filhos e esposas internados ou doentes em casa a espera de remédios, material escolar ainda por comprar, pagamento de despesas bancárias, supermercado, etc...
Tenho recebido telefonemas de alunos perguntando quando a situação irá se regularizar. Eu não faço mais parte do projeto mas estou sempre recebendo notícias através de educadores com quem mantenho amizade.
Tenho percebido nas redes sociais que alunos de outros núcleos estão também saudosos de seus colegas e da continuidade de seus estudos. Faltam apenas três meses para o fim do curso. O planejamento da formatura foi interrompido.
Um pedido meu: não interrompam seus sonhos!
Ontem, dia 31, foi feita uma assembléia com os professores. Se nada acontecer nesses próximos dias, uma greve oficial será estabelecida.
Torço para que tudo se acerte e a parada seja desnecessária.
Após a reunião de professores, grupos se dirigiam a diferentes lugares. Uns estendendo a conversa , outros apenas querendo canalizar a atenção para longe desse grande problema afim de poder ter um pouco de paz.
As professoras Elizabeth, Mariana e Lidiane decidiram tomar um sorvete em Ipanema e me chamaram. Era notório em suas faces o ar de preocupação e desconsolo mas também colocamos o papo em dia e tentamos descontrair . Todos estávamos enfrentando problemas mas a vida continua e precisamos sorrir para ela possibilitando que a mesma sorria para nós. Sim, sabemos que para cada ação há uma reação.
Esquerda para a direita: Elizabeth Moeller , Lidiane Valdameri , Mariana Proença e Helena Mac
Há muito esse projeto vem se desenvolvendo no Brasil. Por que ele dá tão certo em alguns lugares e tão errado em outros?
É tempo de ajustarmos normas, princípios, vontade e bem querer .
Enquanto isso, educadores de outro núcleo decidem fazer um tur pela cidade. Esse tour é encabeçado pela professora Janaína.Jana deslumbrou-se com a zona Sul. Gostaria de dizer que eu e a professora Beth moramos na zona sul. Venha nos visitar Jana!! Quem sabe marcamos uma caminhada no calçadão de Iapnema à beira do Guaíba?! O que você acha?

Zona Sul #portoalegre Essa cidade é linda!
(palavras e foto de Janaína Marques)
Sadness in Projovem
Theoretically a beautiful inclusion project but in practice many faults that can lead it to the ruins.
For more than 20 days without payment, some teachers have no way to move from their homes to the schools.
Some educators rely depend on this income to the maintenance of their entire family. And each one with his problems: wives and children hospitalized or sick at home waiting for medicines, school supplies yet to buy, payment of bank charges, supermarket, etc. ...
I have received calls from students asking when the situation will settle. I no longer part of this project but I'm always getting news by educators who I still keep friendship.
I have noticed that students in the social networks of other schools are also wistful for their colleagues and the continuity of their studies. There are only three months to the end of the course. The planning of the graduation was interrupted.
My request: Don’t interrupt your dreams!
Yesterday, 31 , there was a meeting with teachers. If nothing happens in these next few days, an official strike will be settled.
I cheer for all to get right being unnecessary a tie-up .
After teachers meeting ,some groups of educators headed to different places. Some extending the conversation, others just wanting to drive the attention away from that big problem looking for some peace.
The teachers Elizabeth, Mariana and Lidiane decided to get ice cream in Ipanema and called me. It was easy to see on their faces how much they were worried. All of us were facing problems but life goes on and we need to smile at it allowing it smiling at us. Yes, we know that for every action there is a reaction.
This project is being developed inBrazil . Why it works so well in some regions and so wrong in others?
It is time to adjust rules, principles, and will .....
Meanwhile, educators of another school decide to make a tour through the city. This tour is led by teacher Janaína. Jana is fascinated with the south area . I'd like to say that me and teacher Beth live in this neighborhood . Come to visit us! Maybe we can walk on the beach... What do you say?
Teacher Elizabeth and his husband
After we have walked on the beach
Enquanto isso, educadores de outro núcleo decidem fazer um tur pela cidade. Esse tour é encabeçado pela professora Janaína.Jana deslumbrou-se com a zona Sul. Gostaria de dizer que eu e a professora Beth moramos na zona sul. Venha nos visitar Jana!! Quem sabe marcamos uma caminhada no calçadão de Iapnema à beira do Guaíba?! O que você acha?
Zona Sul #portoalegre Essa cidade é linda!
(palavras e foto de Janaína Marques)
Sadness in Projovem
Theoretically a beautiful inclusion project but in practice many faults that can lead it to the ruins.
For more than 20 days without payment, some teachers have no way to move from their homes to the schools.
Some educators rely depend on this income to the maintenance of their entire family. And each one with his problems: wives and children hospitalized or sick at home waiting for medicines, school supplies yet to buy, payment of bank charges, supermarket, etc. ...
I have received calls from students asking when the situation will settle. I no longer part of this project but I'm always getting news by educators who I still keep friendship.
I have noticed that students in the social networks of other schools are also wistful for their colleagues and the continuity of their studies. There are only three months to the end of the course. The planning of the graduation was interrupted.
My request: Don’t interrupt your dreams!
Yesterday, 31 , there was a meeting with teachers. If nothing happens in these next few days, an official strike will be settled.
I cheer for all to get right being unnecessary a tie-up .
After teachers meeting ,some groups of educators headed to different places. Some extending the conversation, others just wanting to drive the attention away from that big problem looking for some peace.
The teachers Elizabeth, Mariana and Lidiane decided to get ice cream in Ipanema and called me. It was easy to see on their faces how much they were worried. All of us were facing problems but life goes on and we need to smile at it allowing it smiling at us. Yes, we know that for every action there is a reaction.
This project is being developed in
It is time to adjust rules, principles, and will .....
Meanwhile, educators of another school decide to make a tour through the city. This tour is led by teacher Janaína. Jana is fascinated with the south area . I'd like to say that me and teacher Beth live in this neighborhood . Come to visit us! Maybe we can walk on the beach... What do you say?
Teacher Elizabeth and his husband
After we have walked on the beach
Me and my son
Another day in Ipanema: Sandro, our student, me and
teacher Beth
Me and my son