(Adapted - Carlos Drummond de Andrade)
The high cost of living is to look back and feel proud of your history.
The great thing is to live each moment as if it were the recipe for happiness
The HERE and NOW.
Of course, life plays tricks. Of course, sometimes the tire sticks, it rains
too ... But just think: Is it funny to live without laughing at least once a day?
It makes sense to be upset all day because of a discussion when going for work? I want to live well.
2010 was a full year ...
It was full of good things and achievements, but also full of problems and disappointments.
Sometimes you expect too much!
The money that didnt come, the friend who disappointed you , the love that is over.
2011 wont be different.
Everything changes , but man is full of imperfections, nature has its own personality that is not always what we want, but so what? Do what? Will you kill your day? Will you break your mood? Will you end up with your hope?
What we wish for all of us is wisdom!
That all of us can know how to turn everything into a good experience!
That we will all forgive the unknown, the uneducated.
He passed in your life.
And he cant be responsible for a bad day ...
That we can understand the friend who doesnt deserve our best part. If he let you down, pass him to the ' third category ' of friends. Or change of class, turn him into classmate and not friend anymore.
Moreover , we probably has also disappoint someone someday .
Our desire is not fulfilled?Okay , it means it wasnt t in time,it should not be
the best thing for this moment (I always reminded a thing that I love:
Crying of pain, loneliness, sadness is part of being human.
It doesnt worth fighting against that . But if we can understand it, if we allow us look at the
other and the world with generosity, things can be different.
We wish to everyone this special look.
2011 may be a special year, very cool, if we understand our weaknesses and our selfishness and give it back . We are weak, but we can improve it. We are selfish, but we can understand each other.
2011 may be great , wonderful, beautiful, spectacular ...
or ...
It may be pure pride!
Depends on me, depends on you!
Could be.
And it is!
Happy new vision!
That the turn of the year isnt only a date but a time for rethinking everything we did and we wish, after all, dreams and desires can become reality only if we jus and we believe on these things !
God help us to put into practice this wisdom.
HAPPY 2011!
A big kiss
teacher Helena