something coming soon
segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011
Moacir Scliar... Torcemos pela recuperação de sua saúde.(We will keep our fingers crossed for you to get the recovery of your health.
Moacyr Scliar
From Wikipedia
Moacyr Scliar

Born March 23, 1937
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
Occupation Writer, physician
Notable works Max and the Cats
Influenced Yann Martel
Moacyr Jaime Scliar (born March 23, 1937) is a Brazilian writer and physician.Scliar is best known outside Brazil for his 1981 novel Max and the Cats (Max e os Felinos), the story of a young man who flees Berlin after he comes to the attention of the Nazis for having had an affair with a married woman. Making his way to Brazil, his ship sinks, and he finds himself alone in a dinghy with a jaguar who had been travelling in the hold. The story of the jaguar and the boy was picked up by Yann Martel for his own book Life of Pi, winner of the 2002 Man Booker Prize, in which Pi is trapped in a lifeboat with a tiger.Works in English
- The Centaur in the Garden
- The Gods of Raquel
- The Carnival of the Animals
- The Ballad of the False Messiah
- The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes
- The Volunteers
- The Enigmatic Eye
- Max and the Cats
- The Collected Stories of Moacyr Scliar
From Wikipedia
Moacyr Scliar | |
Born | March 23, 1937 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul |
Occupation | Writer, physician |
Notable works | Max and the Cats |
Influenced | Yann Martel |
Moacyr Jaime Scliar (born March 23, 1937) is a Brazilian writer and physician.
Scliar is best known outside Brazil for his 1981 novel Max and the Cats (Max e os Felinos), the story of a young man who flees Berlin after he comes to the attention of the Nazis for having had an affair with a married woman. Making his way to Brazil, his ship sinks, and he finds himself alone in a dinghy with a jaguar who had been travelling in the hold. The story of the jaguar and the boy was picked up by Yann Martel for his own book Life of Pi, winner of the 2002 Man Booker Prize, in which Pi is trapped in a lifeboat with a tiger.
Works in English
- The Centaur in the Garden
- The Gods of Raquel
- The Carnival of the Animals
- The Ballad of the False Messiah
- The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes
- The Volunteers
- The Enigmatic Eye
- Max and the Cats
- The Collected Stories of Moacyr Scliar
Moacir Scliar
... O que é Importante ...
O importante é o sorriso,
A pureza da criança;
O importante é conservarmos
a criança em nós.
O importante é superar as desavenças
Com rápido perdão, total superação.
O importante é deitar à noite
com o coração em paz,
com a sensação do dever cumprido,
sem peso na consciência.
O importante é saber perdoar a si mesmo,
se cometermos alguma falha,
afinal somos humanos,
renascendo plenamente,
a exemplo do Sol,
que todos os dias renasce pleno,
majestoso e livre
do que fora no dia anterior,
aquecendo e gerando novas vidas.
Precisamos acordar todas as manhãs
com o olhar brilhante,
mesmo que haja chuva,
renascendo de todo o passado,
pois o presente
é o tempo de amar,
é o tempo de viver,
de perdoar e de ser perdoado.
O importante é viver com plenitude,
renascendo sempre,
em cada manhã..
... What is Important ...
The important is the smile,
The purity of the child;
It is important to conserve
the child in us.
The important thing is to overcome the disagreements
With quick forgiveness, total overrun.
The important thing is to go to bed at night
with a peaceful heart.,with a sense of duty,
withou guilty conscience.
The important thing is to forgive yourself,
if we commit a fault,
after all we are human,
fully reborn,
like the sun,
that every day is reborn full,
majestic and free
off than the day before,
warming and creating new lives.
We need to wake up every morning
with our eyes bright,
even if there is rain,
reviving from the whole past
because this
is the time to love,
is the time to live,
to forgive and be forgiven.
The important thing is to live fully,
always being reborn,
every morning ..
The important is the smile,
The purity of the child;
It is important to conserve
the child in us.
The important thing is to overcome the disagreements
With quick forgiveness, total overrun.
The important thing is to go to bed at night
with a peaceful heart.,with a sense of duty,
withou guilty conscience.
The important thing is to forgive yourself,
if we commit a fault,
after all we are human,
fully reborn,
like the sun,
that every day is reborn full,
majestic and free
off than the day before,
warming and creating new lives.
We need to wake up every morning
with our eyes bright,
even if there is rain,
reviving from the whole past
because this
is the time to love,
is the time to live,
to forgive and be forgiven.
The important thing is to live fully,
always being reborn,
every morning ..
Domingo legal!! ( Nice Sunday!!)
Gosto muito de escrever. Principalmente sobre coisas do dia a dia..... Nosso cotidiano! Emitir idéias , compartilhar pensamentos me faz bem.
Estava eu, nesse domingo, caminhando na praia com pessoas amadas de minha família. Um de meus assuntos preferidos estava sendo comentado: "Projovem".
Dizem que atraímos o que pensamos. Deve ser verdade pois estava eu falando de um aluno quando ouvi um chamado: - Professora!!!
Virei imediatamente e vi a figura do aluno em pauta: Sandro.
Caminhamos ao encontro um do outro e um longo abraço aconteceu. Apresentei meus familiares a ele e conversamos por alguns minutos.
Sandro estava a trabalho. Eu não poderia demorar muito para não atrapalhá-lo.
Discursamos sobre o salário dos professores. Sandro perguntou o porquê do salário do professor ser tão baixo. Houve uma comparação com o ofício dele, um rapaz que ainda não terminou o ensino fundamental e recebe por mês, trabalhando em obras, mais do que um professor da rede pública de ensino.
Sim Sandro, disse eu, é verdade o que você está dizendo mas nesse ano as coisas vão melhorar pois o governo investirá muito no professor qualificando-o e aumentando o salário base. " Deus queira que isso seja possível sair do papel"!!
Acrescentei ainda que ser professor é uma dádiva. Eu faço por paixão .
Com um sorriso Sandro respondeu: eu sei disso professora.
Sandro nunca entendeu minha saída. Questionou isso diversas vezes mas o que poderia eu responder quando nem mesmo eu sabia da resposta?
Depois de um outro abraço de despedida, seguimos, eu e meus parceiros de caminhada. O assunto continuou sendo Sandro. Contei a luta que esse menino trava para sobreviver. Falei sobre a esperança que acena aos excluídos e que poucos agarram com fervor. Esperança essa nem sempre com final feliz..
Acreditem, quando citei o nome de outro aluno que passa pelo mesmo dilema de Sandro, heis que encontro familiares dele .
O processo foi parecido. Ouvi uma voz chamando mas dessa vez com meu nome: Professora Helena!!!
Era a tia, a filha e uma afilhada de meus alunos Carlos Eduardo e Daiane.
Amante de fotos como sou, lastimei ter deixado minha câmera em casa.
Meus alunos sabem que gosto de registrar todo e qualquer evento. Assim construí nosso Blog.
Notem que eu falo "meu aluno" quando na verdade eu não mais sou a professora deles. Mas se eles ainda me tratam como tal, não sou eu que vou tratá-los diferente.
Jussara, a tia de meus queridos alunos contou um pouco sobre eles, sobre a mudança de endereço forçada que sofreram e pediu ardentemente que eu voltasse a dar aulas para eles. Como se isso dependesse de mim!!! Se assim fosse eu chamais teria saído do projeto.
Então, a vida é assim ....cheia de surpresas, coincidências, encontros, beijos, abraços, diálogos....
É isso que devemos cultivar: momentos felizes!!!
Realmente eu tive um DOMINGO LEGAL!!!!
I love writing. Especially about everyday life... Sharing ideas and thoughts make me feel good.
I was, on Sunday, walking on the beach with my loved ones. One of my favorite subjects was being reviewed, "Projovem.
People say that we attract what we think. It must be true because I was talking about a student of mine when I heard a call: - Teacher!
Immediately I turned around and saw the figure of the student in question: Sandro.
We walked to meet one another and it happened a long embrace. I introduced my family to him and chatted for a few minutes.
Sandro was working. I didnt want to disturb him.
We talked about teachers' salaries. Sandro asked me why the teacher's salary is so low. He did a comparison with his salary, a guy who hasnt finished elementary school and received by month, working in construction, more than a public school teacher .
Yes Sandro , I said, it's true what you are saying but this year things will improve because the government will invest a lot qualifying teachers and increasing the base salary. May God allow it!!!
I added that being a teacher is a gift. I do it for passion.
Sandro replied with a smile: I know that teacher.
Sandro never understood why i had left the project. He questioned this several times but how could I respond it when I also didnt know the answer?
After another hug we said goodbye and me and my partners continueed our walking. I kept talking about Sandro. About how much this guy fights to survive...We talked about the hope given to the excluded people and that few of them take advantage fervently. Hope not always with happy ending ..
Believe me, when I mentioned the name of another student who goes through the same dilemma , here is that I finded his relatives.
The process was similar. I heard a voice calling: Professor Helena!
It was his aunt, a daughter and goddaughter of my students Carlos Eduardo and Daiane.
As I am fan of taking pictures, I lamented having left my photographic camera at home.
My students know I like to record any event.
Notice I say "my student" when in fact I am no longer their teacher. But if they still treat me as such, I wont treat them differently.
Jussara, the aunt of my dear students told me a little about them, about the forced change of address and asked me to come back to school . As if it were up to me! If so, I never could left the project.
So that's life .... full of surprises, coincidences, meetings, kisses, hugs, conversations ....
That is what we must cultivate: the happy moments!
I really had a NICE SUNDAY!!!
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